I finally saw Super Size Me last night. Talk about a movie to scare the shit outta you. Now, I'm a fat guy as it is. 5'10", probably at least 250 lb, with a gut, a fat ass, and big chunky legs. I might eat at a fast food joint twice a month, if that; it's just too expensive to eat out these days, even to a McDicks or a Wendy's. I'm fat mostly because
a) I don't exercise
b) I eat foods that tend to have more carbs/calories than I need
The first point is my own fault, and I take full responsibility for that. But the second point, I have to cry foul, because here's the thing: eating healthy is fucking expensive. The cheapest foods are also the least healthy, but if we've got a budget to stick to, and the price of fruits and vegetables keeps going up, of course we're going to lean on the potatoes and the pasta and the breads. It'll be easier once the boy has grown up and moved out, but until then, we've got three mouths to feed and not a lot of money to spread around. If Western governments want to help, how about looking at ways to make healthier foods more affordable. A bag of oranges costs seven bucks. That's like seventy cents per orange, and a kick in the ass if your food budget is only a few dollars over a hundred. Lettuce is two bucks a head, and it's the rattiest, shittiest lettuce you ever saw. I know, we just got through winter, but still...
The other thing is, and I'll be honest here, I love the taste of meat. When I eat a meal, I like to have something that I can savor and enjoy. A salad is nice, but when I get finished with a salad, I'm already thinking about how good a burger would taste. I love steak, chicken, pork chops, meat loaf, ham, bacon... What kind of message is God sending us when the best-tasting foods are also the ones that will kill us faster? Thanks, God. I don't care if you're trying to teach us something about willpower and self-restraint, that's still an asshole move right there.